Friday, December 27, 2013

Connecting the Launchkey w/ Working InControl Functions:

Connecting the Launchkey w/ Working InControl Functions:

There are two Midiports for the Launchkey:

a) Launchkey(XX) = is only there for the incoming midi events if you press your keyboard or anything else

b) Launchkey Port 2 = InControl Mode and so on.

So, how to set up? Select the "Midi/Sync" Tab.

Select on Control Surfaces "Launckey".
Select on Input "Launchkey (xx) Port 2
Select on Output "Launckey (xx) Port 2

Takeover Mode: PickUp

Midi Port Input Launchkey (xx): Track = on
Midi Port Input Launchkey Port 2: Track = on, Remote = on

Midi Port Output Launchkey Port 2: Track = on, Remote = on

(xx) stands for the Launkey Version you have.  In my case it's the Launchkey61 so xx=61


- Swap where  the USBs connect (front: 4th USB to 2nd USB & vise-a-versa)
- In Ableton: In the Preferences: (If it's greyed out choose it again)
(Usually the input & outputs will be greyed out):
Control Surface: Launchkey
Input: Launchkey #2 (port 2)
Output: Launchkey #2 (port 2)

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